stray cat questions

by Ashley
(Denver, CO, U.S)

I just picked up a stray cat wondering around outside the hotel I am staying at. She is very sweet and small. She has signs of malnourishment, but has a large belly. I am pretty sure she is pregnant and she is laying down a lot on my hotel bed. She also has ate some food and has drank a lot of water. She has peed in her litter box but hasn't pooped yet. just wondering if that is normal and by the picture maybe if she is pregnant? I would like to take her to a vet but cant until Monday.

Thanks so much!

Answer by kate
well it is kitten season so a stray un-spayed cat is quite likely to be pregnant.

I would worry too much about her at this stage. Just make sure she has plenty of fresh food and water available and somewhere comfy to sleep and she will be fine. If she does start to go into labour then, again do not worry, give her plenty of space and quiet and let her get on with it herself. I'm sure Monday will be fine for the vets, she does not sound in any great distress if she is eating , drinking and urinating.

best wishes Kate

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