The Cat That Made Me Understand Love

by Aaron Knowles
(Peterson, MN)

In today's world, with all the violence and indecency you see on the television, one might think there is nothing that can sensitize him. Well, I have gone through some things in my life that made me understand just how subtle this life is.

The hard truth is that we, as humans, have forgotten how to relate to each other on a deeper level. I have been proved time and time again that animals are far more decent creatures than we imagine.

I love cats from a very tender age. At about 6 years old I found a cat outside, in front of the building in which I lived. It looked so helpless; I had to take care of it. And so I did. I sneaked it inside our apartment and kept it a secret. Of course, my whole plan became dust when the cat started meowing.

My parents were furious and through my dear cat out on the street. I was very upset. I was so angry I even packed my clothes that night and told my parents I was leaving. They punished me for that.

But the next day something magical happened. Out of all the sadness something appeared before me that changed my life. It was my cat all curled up in a dog's lap. She was sitting alongside 5 puppies.

I started jumping of excitement. I never knew that some many types of dogs could adopt other animals; let alone a cat. But the love of animals has no boundaries, something that I can't fully say about humans.

Of course I fed her every time I could until one day when she simply wasn't there. At that point I started laughing because I understood. Love is not about staying together. It's about feeling each others heartbeats from a million miles away. I understood that such a free spirit can never stay
put. It needs to roam, to explore and, because we are talking about a cat, to find the craziest places in which to sleep.

Feb 27, 2012
by: Nexter

You certainly have pointed out something that all humans should see! I have a friend that has 2 cats, and one "cat torturer" as a brother. He made one of the cats love eating, and only cared for herself. The other one, it softened up, and it somehow knows whenever someone is sad in that house. My friend, whenever she, or me when I'm over there, the cat comes to us, purrs at our/my leg(s) and tries to comfort me, or her. He is the sweetest cat I have ever seen, or heard of! Once, her brother accidentally slammed the door on my finger, it hurt, I was upset, and guess what? That cat walked over to me, and tried to comfort me! I Tell ya', whenever my friend is sad or mad, that cat just "happens" to strode into the room she's in, and cuddles with her and comforts her. Even the other cat went halfway up the stairs my friend was so sad. Lol.

Long post short, Animals have more love than humans at times.

Feb 11, 2012
the Cat that made me understand love.
by: Mary in VA, USA

Your post was ever so true.
If only mankind could love and show compassion and forgiveness like animals then what a wonderful world we would live in.
I have seen all kinds of animals care for one another even though they was not the same kind of animal.
What a beautiful trait.
Your post bought tears to my eyes as so many animals are so sadly misunderstood yet their ability to love living creatures of all kinds is endless.
We HUMANS should stand up and take notice and follow their actions.

Mary in VA

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