unusual cat behaviour

by gemma

hi there my after my cat has been for a poo he rubs his bum along the carpet sometimes leaving stains he did once have a case of piles and was given an injection from the vet. he does not have worms as i give him tablets regularly. he only eats biscuits as all wet food seems to give him dirroreah. his bum is not red or swollen like it was when he had piles. he is an indoor cat. thank yoy gemma

Answer by Kate
well it does sound like somethimng could be irritaing him after a bowel movement. Sometimes piles can be inside and difficult to see from the outside. I really would recommend that you take him to the vet for a thorough exmination. Your cat may be in discomfort and the sooner he can get treatement the better.

best wishes Kate

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