by Kaitlynn
I have had my cat for about a year now..and thats about the age that she is. She Loves to drink water from the sink in the bathroom and noticed that when she leaves the counter there are a little tiny blood spots and shes fixed. Do you know what this could be??
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by susan trebes
(albany or, united states)
my cat has blood in her urin and has to pee all the time
Answer by KAte
Hi sounds to me like she has an infection. Please see my web page about cat urinary infections for more advice. here is the page
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by yuri
my cat is 3 months old ,,she has a runny bloody butt,,idon't know why she got that bad ,,and some times there is asound from her chest when she breath
what do i do to let her get beter again ?
and is this sickness dangerous or not?
Answer by Kate
well I don't like the sound of blood in her faeces at all. The thing is there is no way that anyone can diagnose the issue without seeing her. So unfortunately you need to get the kitten to a vet as soon as possible.
Kittens are very susceptible to infections and the only way to treat those is with antibiotics from the vet.
I really hope she is better soon after treatment.
best wishes Kate
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by Day Fernandez
(San Francisco, CA)
We noticed for few days now that my Tabby's urine and pooh have blood in it. It became redder and she does not eat enough. What causes bloody pee and pooh with blood in it?
Thank you.
Answer by Kate
i am not a vet and so would not like to try and give you a diagnosis of this. All i know is that any signs of blood in the urine or faeces is not a good sign and needs to be investigated by a vet urgently.
Lets hope it is just an infection that can be treated easily with antibiotics.
best wishes Kate
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