why do cats do this

by logie

why do cat bite your eyelases

Answer by Kate

Logie i don't know what you mean. I have never seen a cat bite anyones eyelashes and i would think that they would have a hard time getting to them in the first place. Is this a joke question or have i just misunderstood your question?

Comments for why do cats do this

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Cat biting eyelashes
by: Anonymous

My cat always cuddles up to me before bed or a nap, and she licks my eyelids then bites my eyelashes. It's a little weird but I think it's cute

There's actually a reason!
by: Anonymous

Sometimes cats like to groom people or other pets close to them. It's usually a way for your cat to say it loves you and it thinks of you as family 🐱

chew my eyelashes
by: Anonymous

My 2 cats do the exact same thing. It’s not like a bite more like a lick! It is not sore whatsoever but they just like to chew on my eyelashes!!

eye lashes
by: Anonymous

My 10 week old kitten Hunter actually bites my eye lashes in my sleep. I now have no left eye lashes :(

My male kitten does this....
by: Nicole

But then again, he is very playful.. attacks anything that moves, climbs my pant legs while I am cooking, etc. If I am laying in bed at night watching a movie, I can get him to do it, by glaring him and batting my eye lashes, as fast as I can. He loves this, however, I would not try that! He has scratched my eye before, just barely missing my eye ball. My cat also grabs my face between his paws and licks the tip of my nose. I think it's mainly personality, nothing to be concerned over! :)

It's Normal
by: Felicitas

I know what you mean.My friend cat tryed to bite her eyelids(same thing).It's just because there relaxed and are thinking about being fed by there mom.It's normal.

eyelash cat
by: felix

My cat does the same thing - always the left eye and very gently.

Eyelash biters
by: Anonymous

I know exactly what you mean! My cats try to do the same thing to me. At first I thoght that it was my mascara they were atracted to but, some times they still try catch them. Arthur, my male cat dose this the most.

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