wild cat gone domestic

by penny cornell
(des moines, iowa USA)

i trained a wild cat not yet 1 year but he throws up his dry food i give him. I used to feed him on the patio and he seemed fine and retreated to the woods then one evening he walked in and have been with me for 2 months, but i am worried about his not keeping food down. can you please help me?

Answer by Kate
It may be that he eats his food too quickly and this makes him throw up. we had the same problme when we first rescued Little Mo from the animal shalter. i thinmk she was so worried that she wasn't going to get fed again that she was trying to et as much as she could as quickly as she could. However we solved this problme by giving her smaller meals mixed dry food with wet can food and gave her a few extra meals throughout the day. this seemed to stop the problem and after a year when she had had obviously settled down we increased the food amount and she seemed to have stopped eating so fast.
It is important that where you feed the cat they feel secure ie nothing can creep up behnd them as this will also make them worrying and edgy.
Of course it is important that if you are taking care of this cat that you have them checked by a vet anyway just in case their is something medical wrong. especailly as they were a wild cat and may have picked something up.
I hope all works out well for the future.
best wishes

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