Will smoker's hands or hand sanitizer affect my cat's health?

by mandy

One of my kitties might have a serious health issue (going to specialist next week). Asked my hubby to wash his hands after smoking so that when he pets her she will not have "3rd hand smoke" on her fur to ingest when she grooms (he smokes outside). He wants to use hand sanitizer. I say soap and water, because its not germs that are left behind when he touches something, its carcinogens/toxins. Thoughts?

Answer by KAte
Interesting question. I can understand your worry and I must admit all i can do is to give you my thoughts.

for me I would have thought that a hand sanitizer would be better as it will be odor free and so not unpleasant for the cat (they do not like strong scents from perfume etc as you know). It will kill off any germs possibly on your husbands hands and so less likely to pass anything on. And should be ok to ingest as other wise we would not be able to put it on our hands.

Having said all that i think either would be ok as long as it was odor free. i have a antibacterial hand gel that i use that you dont need any water for you just squirt a bit into your hands and rub it around until its dry. it is made from grapefruit extract which is a natural antibacterial agent so it does not have any toxins in it. I get mine from Superdrug i dont know if have that company in the US or not but i would have thought that there would be similar products available.

Hope your cat is better soon

best wishes Kate

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