Worm covered in cat poo on my carpet...

by Melissa Crayton
(Las Vegas, NV)

Today I was cleaning my living room and found a 2 inch long, dried, brown colored worm on my carpet. I've noticed my cat throwing up a bit this lasst week and has looked skinny lately. I also have noticed that my other cat seems to have a pot belly lately. What kind of worm is this and is it contagious to my husband, I and my 8 year old?

Answer by kate
Hi well cats are susceptible to several different types of worm so it is difficult to say exactly which ones your cat has but in any case they should all be treated to avoid increased ill health in your cats and yes some sorts of worms cat be passed to to humans, so the sooner you can worm your cats the better.

Your vet will be able to prescribe a good worming pill and for future protection you may want to consider the spot type of monthly flea treatment which also protects against worms. i have used this from the vet for years now and have no problems with either fleas or worms.

I have a web page about cat worms which you may find of further interest here


best wishes Kate

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