young kitten with a fatty pouch

by faith

My kitten is 8 almost 9 weeks old and has a fatty pouch or saggy belly between her back legs almost like an adult spayed cat. she has not been spayed though. I was wondering if this is normal. I do have an appointment with the vet in a couple of weeks for her next shot but would like to be able to put my mind at ease until then. she seems completely healthy otherwise. she eats well, uses her box well and plays a lot. Thank you for any input.

Answer by KAte
well it can very much depend on her breed, some cats do have difference characteristics and this may be one of them. i have two cats and although they are brothers they have completely different body shapes.

It may also be a birth defect which may or may not need to be removed depending on whether or not it impedes her.

I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, your vet visit will be able to answer your questions.

best wishes Kate

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