young stray cat

by denise
(centereach long island)

my stray cat seems to keep her mouth wide open cant close it or eat good but she can move her tongue.her tongue appears black but may be dry blood i cant see any of her teeth either and of course salive runs out because she cant close it..what could have happened overnight that did this?she was fine before that

Oh my goodness this sounds awful.
I assume you are taking her to see a vet as soon as you can about this.

it sounds to me like she may have been in a terrible fights and she may have pulled teeth out during the fight. Of course the other possibility is that she has fallen or been hit by something in the face and she may have smashed teeth and possibly her jaw.

Poor cat I do hope you can get her to see a vet as soon as possible she must be in some discomfort. I hope she is Ok.

best wishes kate

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