This is our cat gallery number seven. Vote for your favourite to become cat of the week. See form at the bottom of page.
Ally and Midnight![]() |
by Victoria Williams (North Carliona) Ally-She is sweet and kind.She is the sweetness cat that I have known.She is playful, it does not take long for her to get use to dogs or other cats.I am glad that I found her just in time.She loves being on my lap,also she loves being near me.If i am not in the room she will come nd look for me. |
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Mr Musclesby Susan Mr Muscles my cat loves to be washed and groomed, so he can look his best. He was a skinny, bony stray cat when i first found him. Now, he is my 30Lb Baby! |
Pepper![]() |
by Christine Morris (Paignton, Devon UK) Pepper is an old girl, but she's loving and affectionate. She loves tuna and Dreamies, and asks for very little other than a warm lap to curl up on and go to sleep. She's very vocal and always meowing, talking away. But she's a simple cuddly little teddy that's never too much to handle. |
Spyder![]() |
by Dan Morris (Paignton, Devon, UK) Spyder was adopted from a shelter, his previous owners were going through a divorce and would be living separately, so they obviously decided that keeping him would be too much hard work. They would probably love to hear how well he's doing now, and how much love & affection he gets from us. |
Catmandu![]() |
I am a cat person and have had a cat in my life for most of my life. With my life as chaotic as it is lately, I never intended to adopt a cat, not right now, no way. My friend had a kitten that was tragically killed by the dogs next door. In her attempt to replace her kitten, she acquired 2 new kittens. She soon found out the kittens were not allowed at her new apartment. She tried to hide them there, bringing them to stay with me for 3 or 4 days every 3rd Tuesday of the month when her apartment complex did inspections. I became attached to both cats and I fell completely in love with Catmandu. He is and always has been the sweetest little cuddling kitten I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. The last time my friend brought the kittens over, she told me she had to take them to the pound. The POUND!!! No way could I let my sweet little cuddler go to the pound so I pulled strings and got him neutered just in time before he started spraying. Needless to say, it all worked out and he's here at my feet right now as I type this. I've had some very sweet kittens in my life but this one is special...I love the little guy so much. : ) |
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Pebblesby rebecca she is now 1 year old and has a bad problem of chewing wires :-/ not sure why she does it maybe cus she got took of her mum at 5 weeks old. she is an ace cat apart from chewing wires lol |
Romeo![]() |
by Lindsay (Bell, Florida) Romeo was born August 30, 2009 at 10:30 pm. I know this because he was born in my living room. His mother was a stray that just happened to grace us with her presence. He was the only kitten she had and we believe he was her first kitten. He was a little bit bigger than most newborn kittens. His mother didn't like to let him run around or interact with us at all. She was actually rather jealous of him. Soon after his eyes opened we had to put her outside. We had to hand feed him and get him on solid food a little early. |
When he was just a few months old he got really ill. He was extremely cold and shivered all night long. Needless to say none of us slept that night. The next morning he was better, it took him a few days to get out of the funk though. Then when he was a little over a year old he almost died on us again. My mother stayed up all night feeding him pedialite. He got stronger and eventually was healthy again. Towards the middle of last year, Romeo got sick again. He was in terrible pain. We took him to the vet and they said he had abbesses under the skin. We gave him antibiotics and pain killers, and the cuts healed. Romeo has had an interesting life, but other than a few hardships I think it’s been good. He is closing in on 3 years old.
Romeo is the little tyrant that rules our house with an iron paw. This may sound crazy, that 4 humans allow their tiny little cat to rule them, but he’s more cat than what you might realize. Romeo is 20 lbs of pure cat. When he comes running at you, you run the other way. But he’s not so bad. Sure when he plays he often causes your hands and arms to look like they got into a fight with barbed wire and lost, but he give us plenty of affection too. His favorite thing to do is sleep. He sleeps on my bed, my parents bed, the couches, the arm of the couches, the back of the couches, the floor, his cat tree, and the dryer. So our house is littered with cat hair.
But he has helped and comforted my family in good times and in hard times. He is our little angel and we wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!!!!
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MollyI got Molly from the shelter about 6 years ago. She had been living in an abusive atmosphere and stayed in the back of her cage at the shelter...when I saw her, I said...that's the one I want..and I changed her name to Molly. She is a Maine Coon and is so sweet and loving to me but doesn't like the rest of my cats. |
Angelo![]() |
by Louise Robertson (Edinburgh) Angello is special to me as he’s like my best friend he senses when I am coming home and misses me when I go to work. I know it may sound mad but he does. |
Missy and Turbo![]() |
by veronica (california) When we got our kitties, they were very sick, and I think too young to be apart from their mother, being told the animal control had removed seven cats the day before we couldn’t leave without them. After many vet visits, and medications our cats are the most amazing cats I’ve ever shared a house with in my life. They act like dogs, they come when called, they sit on command, they know the sound of our cars and greet us at the front door, and they know what S.H.R.I.M.P. spells. Being indoor cats, going outdoors is a treat for our little friends, they have learned to sit and stay when in the great outdoors, a lot of humans don’t know you can train your cat just as you can train your dog, it just takes a lot of patience I believe rescue animals know they've been rescued, they show their appreciation daily, from their early good mornings to their 'not now i have to take a nap' they are happy cats. |
Penny![]() |
by martina we had our cat Penny for 15 years, I got her when she was a kitten of 10 weeks old and she became a valued member of our family for the rest of her life, Penny was a truly wonderful cat, loving and affectionate and loyal to the end, She had two very trying health episodes in her life, one when she had her second litter and we decided it was time to have her neutered, she was extremely weak and ill after the surgery and struggled for a few weeks, she was wonderful then for many years and then she developed a virus which required a stay at the animal hospital and intravenous antibiotics. Our vet used to kindly let us visit her even if it was Sunday, a fact that we really appreciated. |
However she rallied again and we had her for two more years in good health until she developed cancer on her ears (like little Mo in your previous story). At this stage she was 15 yrs old and finding it difficult to eat and became lethargic, We took her to the local vet who was very understanding as I was very upset to see her so frail. However once again she battled on and after injections and another course of antibiotics we took her home again, after a month of tender loving care and lots of patience she returned to her old self and became once again the kind, gentle Penny that we all knew and loved,(By the way just to say at this point our vet did point out that 15 years of lying in the sun in our glass house probably did something to contribute to the cancer on her ears), We had never really considered this an issue but of course hindsight is a wonderful thing!
It would however have been terribly difficult if not impossible to keep her from her beloved glasshouse where she adored basking in the sun, Anyway in summary, Penny once again made a marvellous recovery from her final illness once she finished her medicine and we were blessed to have her well for another three months, then one Sunday morning we woke to find she had passed away during the night, I was devastated and many tears were shed, we buried her in her blanket beneath our fuschia tree at the bottom of the garden, Six months on I still miss her each day and hope if there is a cat heaven that she is there, Any time I see a fushcia bush I think of her and all the happy moments we shared, we will always love and remember our darling Penny. Penny (1996-2011)
Happy and Princess![]() |
My kittens are 7 months old, they are brother and sister, they been with me since they were 8 weeks old. They are special to me, because they were born on the same day of the death of my 15 year old cat died, in April 2nd. I found out when the kittens were 5 weeks old. My kittens are amazing, even that I had 8 through 18 years, none were like these ones, they are different in many ways. My 15 year old cat died in April 2nd 2011, I told my husband that I dont want anymore cats, this one broke my heart. One day my husband showed me pictures of these kittens, they were new borns. I automatically fell in love with them, then I found out these kittens were born at the same day that my 15 year old cat died, in April 2nd, so to me that was it. I said to my self, this is a gift from God. In addition, my birthday is April 3rd, how about that. My kittens are my life, my husband and I treat them like they are humans lol, we love them very,very much |
Angel and Cresty![]() |
by Alex (Huntington Beach, CA) These 4,5 year old Siberian Forest Cats are my babies! I purchased them from Netherlands Top Breeder about 1,5 year ago and they have been my cuddly friends ever since. |
One drawback is the HUGE amount of hair they shed every day but nothing a good vacuum cleaner can solve. :)
Here is some more information about my cats.
Angel (the grey one) can be totally quiet, almost asleep and suddenly go into attack mode and charge at Kresty without any warning!
Kresty is the quieter one and she loves to lie down on my keyboard whenever I work on my computer and mess up my documents.
They both have their own favourite food. Angel is a fish person and Kresty is a huge beef lover. Whenever i make a good steak she is about half an inch away from it and almost jumps into the pan.
Kresty is not so much of a playing cat, she just loves to lie down and relax/sleep or watch TV with me. Angel is always active, has a lot of toys everywhere. They both really like a furry tail on a long stick, they jump 4 feet in the air to grab it!
They sleep wherever they want and they love to snuggle up to me and follow me wherever i am. They both love my bed and i really don't mind. :)
Drifter and Ms. Roxanne![]() |
by nsubahwon (New York) Our three rescued cats are the hearts of our home. They bring us joy and laughter. All three have been rescued. Drifter the first cat and the eldest was found alone and scared wondering near our home. He look in very good condition which lead us to believe he was abandoned. The local cat lovers asked us to keep him over night, and to call ASPCA in the morning. They assisted us with all we need for him to get through the night. He was amazing long story short next day I went to the pet store and spent $200.00 dollars on him buying him all the comforts he needed I was in love. |
Precious![]() |
by nsubahwon (New York) Precious. She was found left dying on a very cold winters day in New York City. My sister found her on the streets dying.A vehicle had run her over rendering her a broken hip and leg. She was less than 5mths old. My sister placed her in a basket and my husband went and took her to the vet, the vet explained there was not much she can do for her except bandage the leg and see if she made it through the night. My husband brought her home to me I looked at this fragile little creature and said you have some bright eyes my friend, As we laid her in a big box filled with warm blankets and a small bowl of water. We said a pray over her and hoped she lived through the night. To sum it all up Precious not only pulled through that night she was a serious fighter and she is the most energetic little thing in my household. I know because of her Roxanne has become so brave. They are the best things that has ever happened to us, with of course the exception of the birth of our son and my marriage |
Miming![]() |
by Chantelle (Philippines) Miming is a very special cat that was given to me by my brothers best friend. He was given to us because we needed a pet to complete our family. He came to our house and became a very good friend. He is energetic and playful, yet very lazy in a way. He usually sleeps all day when me and my sister are at school. When we return home he does his daily routine and plays with us all night. During the evening he sleeps with me or my sis, making our arms as his pillow. He's a very handsome, lovable, playful, sweet cat to us and we love him greatly. |
Frosty![]() |
by eloise (isle of wight) my cat is special to me because he is my own cat and i had him for Christmas this year (2011). i did not know i was having him as a present so it was a big surprise. my dad came down with this massive bed and i said "cool what is it?" and then i heard purring and then this little head poked out from inside the bed! |
Luna![]() |
by Lisa (Marin County, CA) Luna is a sweet little kitty, that likes to talk back, answer questions. She's curious, but calm, and is always in any lap that is available. She's my little angel with the biggest heart in the world. |
Mingus and Mahler![]() |
by SarahMA, USA I've only had these boys for about two months but I'm already in love with them. I adopted them from the shelter I volunteer at and it was more them choosing me than the other way around. I had seen a picture on our website the night before but when I got there that kitten was already adopted. I figured I'd look around anyways because the personality always mattered more to me than what they looked like and I found M&M. |
The shelter didn't have any information on them but they were both so thin I was a little worried. However, it didn't take long for them to fix that and at this point Mahler (who started out the smaller one) is four pounds heavier and almost bigger than his brother.
Since then they have developed two very different personalities. Mahler has grown brave. He loves climbing just about everything (including me!) and knows he's the one who's really in charge. Mingus acts more like a puppy than any cat I've ever known. He follows me around and cries when I'm behind a closed door. When I come home (or out from behind the closed door) he cuddles up to my leg until I pick him up. He'll touch his nose to mine and then give it a little lick before settling down. When I pick up his brother next, Mahler will try to out-do him and give my nose a whole bath.
Both of these boys are impressive acrobats. When I get on of their teaser's out they go wild, but politely take turns jumping for it, managing backflips and twisting around in mid-air. I'm going to have to buy them one of those 6' cat trees pretty soon. Although they don't seem to feel the need yet to climb higher than my counters just yet even though I know they can get all the way on top of my cabinets already!
They both still love falling asleep in my arms, preferably on their backs. I actually had to wait to type this because Mahler was asleep on me and then Mingus jumped up and fell asleep on top of him. ;) I bought them a lovely cat bed which they ignore. They do love to sleep either on my computer chair, my spot on the couch, my bed or an old fleece of mine I put out for them. Do you see a pattern there?
Lila![]() |
by Catherine (Greece) My brother and I have always wanted a cat, but no matter how much we begged for one our parents wouldn't let us have one. |
Needless to say we had fallen in love with her.
It wasn't easy but after 2 months of asking and mostly begging, our parents -finally- had allowed us to adopt her. We brought her to our home and made her feel comfortable. It didn't take long for her to adapt and even less for our parents to love her as well.
My brother was the one to name her because he found the perfect name for her - Lila.
Lila became soon a part of our family. The small kitty had all she asked for, since we could deny her nothing. She had us at one "meow".
We love Lila because she is affectionate, loyal and playful. She is curious and energetic yet quiet and loving. There are days that she sleeps all day long and others that she is outside all day long. She has her own comfy beds but most of the time she likes to sleep in our sofa/armchair/beds or just snuggle near us. She wants to know everything so she has searched every single corner in the house. She doesn't like to be kept in a room with the door closed and she likes to slip inside the restroom when we use it. She always waits for us in the doorstep when we return home and loves to be pampered. Also when we pet her she purrs. The most unusual thing on her is the fact that she doesn't like to eat fish (!)
Lila is so pretty, cute, adorable and amazing and for me she will always be the best cat in the world.
Mano![]() |
by Nawaal but (Doha.qatar) Mano was kitten of feral cat we use to feed and pet take care of her but we were young so we did not know that much we took care 5 years then she has 2 kittens she use take care of them in our front door with her kittens we gave them to feed after few months we didn't not see her so we took kittens in the house took care of them 2 kittens then one went some where we didn't find him. mano is about 1 year old i love him so much he always there when I'm crying he will come and sit i will pet him i have muscular dystrophy i go hospitals i get really depressed i never told anyone sin mano came my life blooming sins he came first time he pooped front of my sisters door he stopped but if can't find litter box he will poop front door but i still love i will keep him no matter what he will do pet who gives you love take away that pain worth to keep no matter how many time my sisters brother tell him to give away he hates his vet he love to be groomed i love him so much no matter if anything happens to me i will love him he loves to play in the garden he will roll in the garden he hate bath but we have to give him but if you ever meet him you'll fall in love in one second if you start counting |
Cosmo![]() |
by Pam (Canada) Cosmo is a 1 year old male cat. He loves to cuddle and give kisses. I call him my little Mowo. His favorite toys are foam balls and plastic mice. Unlike his brother, Cosmo has a high pitched voice. Since he fights with his brother, Nixon, we put him in the bedroom with the door closed at dinner time so that Nixon can come upstairs. We have tried to bring him downstairs but he is too afraid. Whenever he goes in the bedroom, if he needs to come out or he is lonely, he will start meowing. |
Nixon![]() |
by Pam (Canada) Nixon is a 1 year old male cat. He loves to play. We call him Nixel Pixels. He loves plastic mice. He has 1 brother, Cosmo (also on this site)who he fights with all the time. If you annoy him, he will scratch you, but any other time he is sweet. Nixon loves to meow and in the morning if he's bored, he will start meowing in front of the bedroom door. Once he escaped out the bedroom window while no one was downstairs, and he had never been outside before. Ever since he escaped, he has loved to cuddle more |
Sanka![]() |
by karen (UK) Sanka's a very special cat, i've never seen or heard of a cat that does some of the things she does, she's very much like a dog, she plays piggy in the middle with a tennis ball, she'll be the piggy and intercept bounces from me and my partner. |
Gracie![]() |
by Norma Gallaway We adopted Gracie when she was 10 wks old from our vet's office. We had just put our 22-year old kitty down and didn't know if we wanted to raise another cat right away. However, after meeting Gracie, our hearts melted and she has been a joy & a blessing to our home ever since. |
Piglet and Petal![]() |
by Andrew & Ann Cole Piglet and Petal were rescue cats. They arrived at different times and Piglet had a hard time accepting Petal into the group. Then, suddenly, he fell for her in a big way and the two of them have been firm friends ever since. |
Sox![]() |
by meredith hes sooo pretty! i pretty much stole him from our neighbor haha! i kept taking him over to our house and playing with him. finally our neighbors just gave him to me! i was sooo happy! hes a great funny cat. hes getting kinda old now but i still love him. he LOVES to lick my dads nose!!! haha! great cat :) |
Max![]() |
by meredith my cat is amazing. i love him because he acts like he hates me basically. he tolerates everything i do to him and stays in the house with our dogs. we got him from our neighbors and i call him maxi. great cat :) hes hilarious!!!! sometimes wen he feels like no one is paying attention to him he starts whining. it sounds like he saying hello? hello? hello? luv u maxi :) |