Great news! Clives’s back!!!! Mum and Dad are so happy today. My Mum got a phone call from her sister who apparently could hardly speak because she was nearly crying she was so happy. Mum had gone on a website where you can list your missing pet, so that if someone has found a lost animal they can check to see if anyone in their area has lost a pet answering the same description. My Mum put in Clive’s details and a man answered saying that he kept seeing a cat that sounded like Clive near where he works – and that was only three miles from where my Mums sister lives and where Clive went missing. So Mums sister and her husband went to this place to look for Clive, and they kept calling for him and shaking his food box. They didn’t see any sign of him…….but then later that same evening, Mums sister was in the kitchen and there outside the kitchen door, she could see through the glass window – Clive! – looking up at her! Nine days after he went missing! My Mum later went back on the same website to write that Clive was home again, and the same man said that since that evening, he hasn’t seen the cat again! So my Mum is wondering if it was Clive there, and perhaps he heard my Mums sister calling for him, and he decided to go home after all. You never know! Anyway, Clive is safe and well, and the family are all very happy and relieved, especially the poor little girl who accidentally let him out. There’s an old saying that says something like….. "If you truly love something beautiful, let it go. If it returns to you, then it is yours." Don’t you just love a happy ending! I will get my mum to take a picture of clive, so that i can put him in my happy cat diary.
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