two month old kitten not as active as usual

My kitten is sleeping a lot, way more than normal.

He is pooping white and it's runny for the mmost part.
He has lost some weight and is not as playful
What can I do to make him better?

well the best thing would be to take him to see a vet so that he could be properly examined and diagnosed.

Other than that if your cat has diarrhea etc you could try the advice suggested on my page about cat diarrhea to see if it helps reduce the problem in a few days. Watching out for dehydration of course. here is the page

However white liquid coming from the body often indicates an infection and this needs to be treated by antibiotics which only a vet can prescribe.

You do have to be careful with kittens as their immune system is not yet up to full strength and so may be prone to bugs and infections.

Hope he is better soon


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